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Peer Review Process
Antis Publisher (ANTIS) is a member of CrossCheck by CrossRef and iThenticate. ANTIS uses Plagiarism Detection Software - iThenticate to screen for plagiarism before publication. The journal follows a conventional single-blind review policy where the name of the reviewer is always concealed from the author submitting the manuscript. Authors must present their papers honestly without fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or inappropriate data manipulation. Submitted papers will be evaluated by anonymous reviewers for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. Papers will be submitted for anonymous review by at least two (2) reviewers who are members of the Editorial Board or others of similar standing in the field. To streamline the review process and respond to authors quickly, the Editors may triage submissions and make rejection decisions without sending papers for external review (for low-quality and poorly presented papers). The Editor will notify you of the review results as soon as possible, expected within 8-12 weeks. The Editor's decision is final and no correspondence can be entered into regarding manuscripts deemed unsuitable for publication in this journal. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and revision requests, will be sent via email.